A new year is upon us and I look forward to what 2025 will bring for Dartmouth. I see our community coming together to support one another and to stand up for what’s right time and time again. I am grateful to be your representative in the legislature and that I am able to talk to so many of you. Please continue to call and pop into my office to let me know what matters to you, to ask for help navigating provincial government systems and to be a part of advocating for long term change.
Don’t miss the Downtown Dartmouth Business Commission’s Ice Festival, check out this link to learn more and plan your weekend of live ice carving, live entertainment, a street party and so much more!
Applications for 2025 The Home Energy Assistance Top-Up (HEAT) Fund are open as of January 15th. The HEAT program has been helping Nova Scotians stay warm in the winter months for the past 20 years. Applications are open until funds run out; if you need assistance applying please do not hesitate to reach out to my office.
One of the most rewarding parts of my job is being able to converse with community members about their passions but also their concerns. An issue that I know is important to many of you is the proposed infilling of Dartmouth Cove. The Friends of Dartmouth Cove are hosting a public meeting on Monday January 27th at the Micmac Aquatic club at 7:00pm. This will be an opportunity for people to ask questions, voice concerns and stay informed and connected. I hope to see you there!
Housing continues to be a big challenge for Dartmouth. The prices keep going up, and vacancies are few and far between. Everyone deserves a place to live; beyond frustration, we know that housing insecurity is directly linked to poor health outcomes, economic challenges, and intimate partner violence. We need housing that people can actually afford - new housing supply that is out of reach for the people that need it the most is not enough. We also need nonprofit housing, co-op housing and more public housing that can be built well and quickly.
Inexplicably, our new government no longer has a Department of Housing. We are told that the responsibility for Housing now lies in the Department of Growth and Opportunities, but we are concerned about this diminished focus. There are provincial programs available to help renters and homeowners who are struggling but navigating these systems can be difficult. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions.
I am honoured to question and hold this government to task, to advocate for every constituent in Dartmouth South and to be a leader in making Nova Scotia better for all of us.
As always, if you need assistance, please reach out to my office at 902-406-2301 or claudiachendermla@gmail.com.
Have a wonderful weekend,