The Legislature Returns


As we prepare for the provincial budget, I’ve been spending my time talking with constituents and Nova Scotians about their priorities for this session. This is our annual opportunity to question government ministers about their spending decisions in detail. It may look tedious (and it is) but it is important. Please let me know if there are questions you have about government spending and priorities in Dartmouth.

The Legislature and You

We're heading back to the legislature on Tuesday, February 27th and there are lots of ways you can follow along and get involved in the democratic process.

Watch Leg TV: Legislative Television Broadcast and Recording Services records and broadcasts proceedings of the Nova Scotia House of Assembly. Watch on Eastlink Cable channel 95, Eastlink Cable channel 630, or on YouTube.

Read Hansard: Hansard is the official report of what was said in the House of Assembly. It is a complete and accurate verbatim report of the debates of the House of Assembly, and of the proceedings of committees of the House.

Follow on me on my social media channels (Instagram, Facebook, X), website, and YouTube channel.

🏛️ Visit the gallery and watch proceedings.

Submit a petition: A petition is a document presented to the House of Assembly by an MLA on behalf of their constituents. It requests action by the House of Assembly or the government in power.

🗣️ Present to a committee: After a bill passes second reading in the House of Assembly, it is referred to either the Law Amendments Committee (public bills) or the Private and Local Bills Committee (private and local bills). The public can provide input at this stage.

March Office Hours

For the month of March 2024, my office will be open to the public for walk-ins from Tuesday to Thursday. We will be working remotely on Mondays and Fridays, please email or call (902) 406-2301 and leave a voicemail and we will get back you you ASAP.

As always, if you need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Have a wonderful weekend,



Equity and Anti-Racism Grant Program Opens

Community organizations can now apply for funding under a new grant program that aims to address systemic hate, inequity and racism. To be eligible, organizations and projects must have a primary mandate and objectives related to equity and anti-racism such as:

  • reducing or removing barriers in education, healthcare, the justice system, public services, employment or public life

  • promoting public awareness about the importance of fairness and justice, and actively opposing hate, inequity and racism

  • promoting cultural and intercultural community building and economic development for underrepresented and underserved groups

  • responding to and reducing gender-based violence

  • offering training and capacity-building programs that support those interested in advancing equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives

  • promoting and increasing availability and accessibility of data, evidence and community insights on equity and race-related issues.


The IONS Reimagining Work Award

We are looking for leading impact organizations in Nova Scotia that are doing things differently in their workplaces. We want to hear about your unique leadership structures, your practices that enable staff wellness, and your effective policies that bring out the best in your people.

We want to hear how you address racism and ableism, bring in a decolonizing lens, and consider gender equality in your workplace culture. We want to hear all the ways you’re promoting justice and equity with your people! And we want to share it widely as an inspiring example of how our sector is changing society at all levels.  

Nominate your organization for the IONS Reimagining Work Award!

Applications due March 10, 2024


Follow Claudia

Claudia Chender MLA