NDP: Premier ignoring rising costs of food, cuts Farmers’ Market coupon program Claudia Chender MLAMay 14, 2023
Halifax mom forced to keep her son home from school during CUPE strike Claudia Chender MLAMay 11, 2023
Some N.S. 'shelter hotel' residents no longer qualify if they make more than $1,200/month Claudia Chender MLAMay 10, 2023
N.S. justice minister urges 4 municipalities to implement police oversight boards Claudia Chender MLAMay 5, 2023
Nova Scotia says 148 nurses return to public health system after $10,000 bonus Claudia Chender MLAMay 4, 2023
Nurses on maternity leave concerned $10K bonus will affect EI benefits Claudia Chender MLAMay 4, 2023
Healthcare bonus should include nurses and healthcare workers on medical leave Claudia Chender MLAApril 26, 2023
NDP call on Houston government to include nurses on medical leave for $10,000 bonus Claudia Chender MLAApril 25, 2023
'A slap in the face': N.S. nurse on medical leave won't receive full incentive bonu Claudia Chender MLAApril 20, 2023
‘They missed the mark’: N.S. nurse on medical leave for cancer doesn’t qualify for full retention bonus Claudia Chender MLAApril 20, 2023
Nova Scotia NDP to ask Natural Resources Committee to look into Paper Excellence Claudia Chender MLAApril 19, 2023
Nova Scotia falling behind on QEII redevelopment project, auditor general says Claudia Chender MLAApril 18, 2023
Spring session of N.S. legislature ends after 14 days of sitting, six bills passed Claudia Chender MLAApril 13, 2023
Family wants names of both mothers on child's birth certificate; province says change is needed Claudia Chender MLAApril 12, 2023
Legislation to extend and increase N.S. rent cap passes at House late Tuesday Claudia Chender MLAApril 12, 2023