Why A Halifax Woman Was Forced To Close Her Home-Based Hair Salon Claudia Chender MLANovember 16, 2020
Economist questions proroguing of legislature, says Nova Scotians deserve more transparency on massive COVID stimulus spending Claudia Chender MLANovember 16, 2020
N.S. legislature's fall sitting likely to be short with disjointed debate Claudia Chender MLAOctober 20, 2020legislature
Lead levels in schools: Todd Veinotte Show with Dan Ahlstrand EducationClaudia Chender MLAOctober 4, 2020education, lead, schools
COVID-19 to complicate flu season in Nova Scotia Education, HealthClaudia Chender MLASeptember 16, 2020education, COVID-19
Long lines for COVID-19 tests reported across Canada; feds announce more funding Claudia Chender MLASeptember 16, 2020
N.S. parents waiting hours for 811 callbacks as students return to school Claudia Chender MLASeptember 16, 2020
N.S. parents frustrated by long waits for COVID-19 tests after kids taken out of school Claudia Chender MLASeptember 15, 2020
Sheldon MacLeod: Calling for expedited testing in school Claudia Chender MLASeptember 15, 2020COVID-19, educ
High 811 call volumes sparks calls for change around back-to-school COVID tests Claudia Chender MLASeptember 15, 2020
Liberal majority committees refuse NDP proposals requiring they meet on schedule Claudia Chender MLASeptember 10, 2020
Justice minister hasn't asked RCMP how evidence was destroyed in Assoun case Claudia Chender MLASeptember 3, 2020Justice
Rick Howe Show: We still need information about returning to school EducationClaudia Chender MLAAugust 27, 2020education, school, back to school
Liberal majority committee blocks proposals for more details on school reopening plan … again Claudia Chender MLAAugust 25, 2020