The Nova Scotia House of Assembly Policy on the Prevention and Resolution of Harassment in the Workplace definition of harassment includes any behaviour, act, conduct, or comment directed at and offensive to another person. Will the Premier acknowledge that the allegations made against the member for Yarmouth describe instances of harassment, as described by that policy?
Read MoreWill the minister table the government's business plan for edible cannabis products?
Read MoreI also have a question for the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development, and it's also about an invisible process. School capital planning is one of the areas covered in the Auditor General's recent follow-up report on 2015 and 2016 recommendations…
Read MoreThis practice must be suspended while a permanent solution is determined. Will the minister acknowledge that in spite of having clear evidence laid out for him, he is permitting a racist and discriminatory practice to continue in Nova Scotia?
Read MoreI want to ask the minister whether, in light of existence of deferred prosecution agreements and in light of the difficulties his political cousins in Ottawa are having in implementing them, he is intending to amend governing legislation here to specifically address DPAs?
Read MoreWill the minister follow the recommendation of Dr. Wortley's report and of the African Nova Scotian community and at the very least put an immediate moratorium on street checks while he determines what to do next?
Read MoreWill the minister table the gender-based analysis that supports this status quo budget for licensed child care?
Read MoreI'd like to know: Can the minister tell us when we will see a comprehensive green jobs plan or will we let Nova Scotians continue to fall behind as the world economy moves on without us?
Read MoreWhen this government eliminated local, democratically-elected school boards, they also eliminated public input in the school site selection process. Siting of a school used to be guided by…
Read MoreMr. Speaker, while we know that investments are being made for orthopaedics and other things in the Dartmouth General Hospital, none of that is going to stem this problem. Can the minister tell the House what the NSHA is doing now to alleviate the pressure on the Dartmouth General Hospital?
Read MoreMr. Speaker, thank you to the member and congratulations on having an opportunity to stand and ask a question today. I do want to acknowledge that we use a gender lens when we are looking at all of our policies, all of our practices, and all of the programs. That gender lens goes beyond gender to look at…
Read MoreThere is already a shortage of teachers and substitutes. The province needs more, not fewer, educators. What is the minister's plan to retain qualified teachers in Nova Scotia?
Read MoreMr. Speaker, my question is for the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development. Almost a year ago, the minister told us that he accepted the broad objectives of the recommendations made by the Commission on Inclusive Education. However…
Read MoreMy question is for the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development. When the minister eliminated democratically elected school boards in March, he offered up an expanded role for school advisory councils as reassurance. Parents, teachers, students, and administrators who make up SACs have been…
Read MoreMr. Speaker, my question is for the Minister of Justice. For months now, I've been raising concerns about the use of solitary confinement in our provincial correctional facilities. Earlier in this sitting, I asked the minister if he had concerns about the province's vulnerability to a class-action lawsuit related to solitary confinement as we've seen …
Read MoreMr. Speaker, my question is for the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development. Today the 12 individuals who form the Provincial Advisory Council on Education were appointed. The advisory body of political appointees is replacing…
Read MoreMr. Speaker, my question is for the Minister of Justice. Earlier this week an Ontario Superior Court Judge ruled that a $600 million class action lawsuit against the Province of Ontario could proceed. The lawsuit alleged that
Read MoreMr. Speaker, my question is for the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development. In March, the Commission on Inclusive Education released their final report, based on hundreds of hours of consultation with thousands of…
Read MoreMy question is for the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development. One morning last week, Darla Haverstock watched her child get on a school bus. An hour later, she received notification that her child was absent due to…
Read MoreMr. Speaker, my question is for the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development. Yesterday in this House the minister accused me of defending the status quo and special interest groups. If the status quo means students being able to access safe, reliable transportation to get to school on time and if special interest groups are parents, then I suppose he is correct…
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