Mr. Speaker, we were pleased that this bill was the result of extensive negotiations. We've heard good feedback from everyone involved. It provides a greater degree of security around these pensions that we know play a huge role in helping people save for their retirement. For that reason, we will support this bill…
Read MoreI am honoured to speak briefly on this bill. I'm sure my colleague and the minister both look forward to hearing from more folks at Law Amendments Committee who are impacted. I would agree with my colleague in the Official Opposition that this is a thin bill with a lot of…
Read MoreI also have a question for the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development, and it's also about an invisible process. School capital planning is one of the areas covered in the Auditor General's recent follow-up report on 2015 and 2016 recommendations…
Read MoreI want to take a moment first to address the question put to me by the minister just now, which is that our bill is universal, it's not income-tested. That's the theme of our legislation. We believe that, in general, there are some basic and compassionate services that should apply across the…
Read MoreWill the minister table the gender-based analysis that supports this status quo budget for licensed child care?
Read MoreMr. Speaker, the Credit Union Act is essentially, we understand, a housekeeping bill. The amendments came out of a regular review as well as federal regulations that necessitate this new…
Read MoreMr. Speaker, I rise to voice the NDP caucus' support for this bill. I thank the member for Pictou West for bringing it forward originally in this House and to the Minister of Finance and Treasury Board for bringing it to its completion here today. As I have said before…
Read MoreMr. Speaker, thank you to the member and congratulations on having an opportunity to stand and ask a question today. I do want to acknowledge that we use a gender lens when we are looking at all of our policies, all of our practices, and all of the programs. That gender lens goes beyond gender to look at…
Read MoreI want to thank the Minister of Finance and Treasury Board for bringing forward this bill. We in the NDP love credit unions. They're a great thing and have been an…
Read MoreMadam Speaker, the Coast Guard and the Coast Guard Auxiliary have a long history in my electoral district of Dartmouth South and in Dartmouth North, where we are very lucky to have a huge amount of our district run along the coast of…
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