No. 147, Public Utilities Act (amended) - 3rd Reading Business, Environment, Finance, InfrastructureClaudia Chender MLAApril 22, 2022- 3rd Reading, Public Utilities Act, Nova Scotia Power, UARB
Bill No. 145 - Electricity Act - 3rd Reading Environment, Natural ResourcesClaudia Chender MLAApril 20, 2022Electricity Act, - 3rd Reading
Bill No. 128 - Energy Efficiency Act. - 2nd Reading EnvironmentClaudia Chender MLAApril 20, 2022Energy Efficiency Act
Protect Eisner Cove Wetland - QP EnvironmentClaudia Chender MLAApril 19, 2022Eisner Cove Wetland, Question Period
Bill No. 147 - Public Utilities Act (amended) - 2nd Reading Environment, Infrastructure, Natural ResourcesClaudia Chender MLAApril 12, 2022Nova Scotia Power
Bill No. 145 - Electricity Act (amended). - 2nd Reading Environment, Infrastructure, Natural ResourcesClaudia Chender MLAApril 12, 2022Nova Scotia Power
Bill No. 102 - Wildlife Act. - 3rd Reading EnvironmentClaudia Chender MLAApril 7, 2022Wildlife Act, - 3rd Reading
Lower Bills and Increase Efficiency - QP Environment, Natural Resources, Question PeriodClaudia Chender MLAMarch 31, 2022Question Period, Nova Scotia Power
Bill No. 102 - Wildlife Act. - 2nd Reading EnvironmentClaudia Chender MLAMarch 25, 2022Beals Brook, Lahey Report, wildlife, 2nd Reading
Bill No. 101 - Marine Renewable-energy Act. - 2nd Reading EnvironmentClaudia Chender MLAMarch 25, 2022renewable energy, 2nd Reading
QP - tie Nova Scotia Power's profits to reliable service, green energy, and lower power bills Environment, Question Period, Natural ResourcesClaudia Chender MLAMarch 25, 2022
Energy Poverty - QP Environment, Natural Resources, Question PeriodClaudia Chender MLAMarch 24, 2022Question Period, Energy Poverty
Bill No. 57 - Environmental Goals and Climate Change Reduction Act - 3rd Reading EnvironmentClaudia Chender MLANovember 4, 2021Environmental Goals and Climate Change Reduction Act, Third Reading
Burning Biomass - QP Environment, Natural Resources, Question PeriodClaudia Chender MLANovember 4, 2021Question Period, Burning biomass, carbon neutral, Missing the Forest: How Carbon Loopholes for Logging Hinder Canada's Climate Leadership
Ensure Skills Training and Jobs in Green Economy Environment, LabourClaudia Chender MLANovember 3, 2021Motion, skills training, Green jobs, green economy, coal workers
Protecting Georges Bank - QP Fisheries and Aquaculture, Natural Resources, Environment, Question PeriodClaudia Chender MLANovember 3, 2021Georges Bank, Question Period
Bill No. 57 - Environmental Goals and Climate Change Reduction Act - 2nd Reading EnvironmentClaudia Chender MLAOctober 28, 2021Second Reading, Bill No. 57 ‑ Environmental Goals and Climate Change Reduction Act
Congratulations, Clean Coastal Team Community, EnvironmentClaudia Chender MLAOctober 27, 2021Clean Foundation, Dartmouth, Dartmouth Nova Scotia, Clean Coasts Team, Marshalls Crossing, Salt water marsh, Mem
Solar Power Delays - QP Environment, Infrastructure, Question PeriodClaudia Chender MLAOctober 26, 2021Nova Scotia Power, Solar Nova Scotia
Owl's Head Sale - QP Environment, Natural Resources, Question PeriodClaudia Chender MLAOctober 15, 2021Owl's Head, Question Period