Fundraising to Bypass the Media Explanation - QP

CLAUDIA CHENDER: A Cabinet Minister in this government sent a letter asking supporters to help her party bypass the media. This is the same minister who was responsible for Communications Nova Scotia, the department that was responsible for getting information to the people of this province; the department that was mandated, by legislation, to be non-partisan; the department that this government has dismantled. Nova Scotians deserve to know. My question to the Premier is this: Given the fundraising letter and the demolition of this department, did the Premier give this minister a mandate to restrict information for Nova Scotians?

HON. TIM HOUSTON (The Premier) » : Absolutely not. we're open with Nova Scotians, we're transparent as a government. Nova Scotians know that. Yesterday the member called me out for defending Nova Scotians. Whether it's standing up to the Trump tariffs or calling out countries that may dump products here, we will continue to stand up for Nova Scotians. We will continue to be open and transparent. Nova Scotians can see that, and we know our obligations to them.

CLAUDIA CHENDER: Demonizing the media is dangerous and irresponsible. The Cabinet Minister overseeing the dismantling of Communications Nova Scotia solicited fundraising dollars to bypass the media. This open contempt for media is a pattern with right-wing Conservatives here in Canada and in Trump's America and it has no place in a healthy democracy. Nova Scotians did not vote to be kept in the dark by their government. My question to the Premier is: Does this Premier still have confidence in a minister who openly admits that she wants to bypass the media?

THE PREMIER « » : It's impossible for me to quantify how much confidence I have in this minister. Yesterday in Question Period, the member referred to what happens when you paint the media as the enemy. I think the member said you only have to look to the other side of the border to see what happens. In fact, that member doesn't have to look to their side of the border, she only has to turn around and look within her caucus. We have found multiple instances of the member for Halifax Armdale attacking the media online. Is it okay for her caucus to attack the media, Speaker?

CLAUDIA CHENDER: This is the party that is soliciting funds to bypass the media and it sounds like it was the plan all along. The people of our province have a right to know how their hard-earned money is being spent and if government policies are working. Journalists help hold governments accountable by providing accurate, unbiased information to the public. They deserve respect for that role whether or not we agree with what they say. My question to the Premier is: If the Premier stands by the minister's comments, will he tell Nova Scotians when he thinks it is acceptable for government to bypass the media?

THE PREMIER « » : Listen, I've made myself available to the media every day, multiple times a day. My caucus colleagues make themselves available. We have members who spread misinformation, trying to scare Nova Scotians, trying to get a sense of division, when sitting right behind her is the member for Halifax Armdale, who called the media "highly partisan and vile", and he did that on Christmas Eve. To that I say: Bah humbug. I will be happy to table just a few of the examples of NDP caucus members attacking the media online. You will not find one example of our caucus attacking the media. We respect the media.