Students & Staff School Return - Best Wishes

THE SPEAKER: The honourable member for Dartmouth South.

CLAUDIA CHENDER: Speaker, I rise to welcome all students, educators, support staff, and families back to school for the 2024-25 school year. Fall is always an exciting time as we mark the return to routine, cooler weather, and hopefully, learning and fun. As I sent my own three off this morning, I was reminded of what a momentous moment it is to move into a new year and a new classroom with teachers, peers, and environments to navigate.

 For all of the students out there, I wish you a year of learning, fun and adventure. For the educators and staff, I hope you have a fulfilling year of doing the vital work of mentoring and supporting the children of this province with the resources and supports you need to do the job well. To the parents in here and out there, stay strong.

 I ask all members of this House to join me in wishing everyone a safe, fun and fruitful school year.