Emma Halpern - Member Statement

MS. CLAUDIA CHENDER « » : Mr. Speaker, on this day that has been named by the UN as the International Day of the Girl, I rise to celebrate Dartmouth South resident Emma Halpern.

Currently the Officer of Equity and Access to Justice at the Nova Scotia Barristers' Society, Emma is one of Chatelaine's 2012 Women of the Year; a pioneer in using the restorative approach in Nova Scotia's schools; a long-time Elizabeth Fry Society volunteer; and announced today as the new Executive Director of the Elizabeth Fry Society of Nova Scotia.

The UN recognizes the need to break cycles of poverty and victimhood for young women and girls as key to making a difference. Emma has been working tirelessly in this area for years in the places where help is needed the most - schools, prisons and marginalized communities where assistance is hard to come by.

Mr. Speaker, I ask this House to join me in celebrating the work of Emma Halpern and the many other people in our communities who work tirelessly to protect the rights of women and girls in order to effectively break the cycles of poverty and victimhood.

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